A Roman Catholic Community of faith serving the Lord in word and deed

Family Faith Formation

Family Faith Formation

Because faith is best taught and lived out in the family, the Church calls parents to be the first and foremost educators of their children.  (CCC 2225-2226)
  • Religious Education Classes for children ages Pre-K to 11th grade meet weekly after the 10:00 Mass starting after Labor Day. In order to continue the influence of  family participation, information will be sent home to help bring the lessons taught in the classroom into family conversation throughout the week.  Sacred spaces in the Church will be open to parents for personal or communal prayer during RE class time.
  • Whole Family Catechesis will take place on the last Sunday of each month in the religious education classrooms.  Parents are invited into the classroom to work with their children on an activity based on the current learning concept of each grade level.
  • Family Rosary for Discernment is similar to the Traveling Vocation Crucifixand is an opportunity for a different family each week to pray the rosary together with the intention of promoting discernment of Vocation, whether to the single, married, or religious life.  The rest of the parish will be given an opportunity to pray for the specific family each week.
  • Family Eucharistic Adoration will be scheduled quarterly.  Bring your family, no matter the age, to the Chapel remembering that Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14) This will be a time spent with prayerful music, short scripture readings, petitionary prayer, and most importantly periods of silence. 


Why is Family Faith Formation important? 

We are simply here to assist you in your role as the first teacher in the ways of the faith. Bishop Konderla prioritizes whole family catechesis as a way to unite the diocese in growing as disciples and deepening our relationship with Jesus and each other. Through this we will bear much fruit. 

99.7% of a child's life experience lies outside of parish catechesis. A faithful Catholic culture begins at home with the family.  The faith lived by parents will catechize children far more than any weekly class.  

A study on family faith influence by Dr. Christian Smith at Notre Dame found that just 1% of teens ages 15-17 raised by parents who attached little importance to religion were highly religious in their mid to late 20's.  In contrast, 82% of children raised by parents who talked about faith at home, attached great importance to their beliefs.  "Without question, the most important pastor a child will have in their life is a parent." 


Our mission is to help you succeed in being the religious educators that you already are!!


Registration Form 2024-2025
(Above text is link to registration form)

Please contact the parish office at 918-744-0023 for more information regarding our Religious Education program or Sacramental preparation.