A Roman Catholic Community of faith serving the Lord in word and deed

Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish Council serves in an advisory capacity cooperating with the Pastor with advice and assists the Pastor in all aspects of Parish activity providing direction, leadership and coordination in regard to Christian education and relations with the Diocese, Church organizations and the communit. As outlined in our Bylaws, the Council's main purpose is to help the Pastor align the mission of the Parish with diocesan norms and carry the Church forward through any changes in those norms.

Elections for Parish Pastoral Council are held annually, with one-third of the members being replaced each election.

Parish Pastoral Council meetings are typically scheduled once each month. These meetings are considered open meetings, and topics of concern can certainly be submitted to any one of the Parish Pastoral Council members. The Council has an active interest in developing the future of our Parish and we value all opinions, ideas, and opportunities. For the most current meeting minutes, please click here.  We will also have some copies in the back of the church for you to take with you.


Current Parish Council

Name Committee Email Address
Fr. Desmond Okpogba Pastor desmondchid@aol.com
Nelson Sousa Deacon sousa_nm@yahoo.com
Kevin Stephenson Deacon kevin@associationcatholiccounselors.com
Robert Grant Chairman robertcgrant80@yahoo.com
Trina Moore Recording Secretary trina.moore@enovationcontrols.com
Mark Ballew Member at Large meballew55@gmail.com
Anne Edwards Member at Large anne0552@att.net
Ken Fike Member at Large kenfike2013@gmail.com
Steven Slusher Member at Large cusscowboy@hotmail.com
Chris King Member at Large kingok14@sbcglobal.net
Sarah Santillano Member at Large killianenator@gmail.com
Robert Grant Member at Large robertcgrant80@yahoo.com
Mary Frye Member at Large fryeml52@gmail.com